You’ve got questions, we’ve got… I dunno

typed for your pleasure on 9 June 2005, at 10.13 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Magic twin candle tale’ by Pizzicato five

O, that Veach and his questions. Still, I asked for it.. No, literally, I asked for it.

1. Can you translate these words–and tell me how to pronounce–in Japanese: ‘Stories, Novels, Art; Personal perspectives, Entertaining rhetoric, Hypertext effluvium & Ancillary diatribes’?
Not off the top of my head, but yes.
‘物語, 小説, 芸術; 個人的な見通し, 心に抱いている修辞, ハイパーテキスト effluvium, と ancillary 大言壮語’
mo-no-gah-TAH-ri, SHOW-sets’, gay-JOOT-su, ko-zheen-teh-ki na mi-tou-shi, ko-ko-ro ni hoh-ee-tay ee-ro SHU-zhee, hai-pa-teh-ki-su-to effluvium, toh ancillary tai-ken-sou-go.
You realise, of course, I cribbed most of that from AltaVista’s Babelfish, and since I don’t recognise a lot of the kanji, I used, so it’s probably one-half dictionary proper, one-half blazingly wrong. The only one I translated using my very own brain was ‘hypertext’. That one was easy..
Gods, ‘effluvium’. The closest synonym I could think of in English was ‘detritus’, and Babelfish was like, ‘huh?’ Maybe ‘debris’ would’ve worked..
O yeah, as far as seeing kanji characters as opposed to a series of amusing squares, set up Firefox’s encoding (under View) to auto-detect Japanese. Unless, of course, you like those squares.

And, on Quaisi’s site, Undercover in Japan what does the bench graffiti say on his 2 Jun 05 post?
Errm.. 2005, 13 May, some line that I can’t read, one of the 2chan ASCII emoticon cats (´∀`; ), another two lines I can’t read ending in ‘kokenashii’, and the last one starts ‘Prebo (playboy?) wa, akan (baby?) waaa, A & Y.’ Between the hearts, you’ve got something-mi (a name) and amona — I assume that last character is ‘na’, as it’s half cut off.
Despite all evidence to the contrary, I do know Japanese, I just don’t know a lot of Japanese. VEACH YOU’RE TRYING TO KILL ME WITH YOUR MIND AREN’T YOU??

2. In my previous life, I was privy to an interview of a man who kept a woman’s corpse around for a few weeks for the purpose of gratifying himself with it’s oriface’s; he explained, calmly, that her immobility and constant availability were the primary reasons for his blantant disregard of her “best if used before” date. (With this attempt at dark-sarcasm in mind), what is Sidore Kuroneko’s most appealing raison d’etre?
First off, ew? Second, with Shi-chan, it’s not just the 24/7 sexual availability, but it’s just great that I have someone that doesn’t require my attention 24/7. If I’m in the midst of something, like homework or snaking a drain or whatnot, I don’t feel guilty if I’m not interacting with her, but I know she’s always there for me when I’m ready for her. Selfish? Maybe. But at least my reasons for our relationship are honest..
A fellow iDollator once equated Synthetiks with ‘adult teddybears’, in the respect that they provide comfort and well-being to their owners, among other things. I’d say that’s definitely the main reason I have Shi-chan. With her, I can be alone, but I’m never lonely.
Also, I like to think of myself and other iDollators as pioneers as well. When the day comes when Synthetiks — either inanimate RealDolls or full-fledged Androids and Gynoids — are as prevalent and commonplace as any other species, then I can sit back and say ‘yep, we were the first’.. Then I’d ask Sidore Mk VII for another backrub. 😉

3. Since the 23d parallel is actually located near the Tropic of Cancer, just below 49 US states, just above Hawaii, and I (and your devoted readers) are aware of your affination with the number; could you provide any interesting updates in which the number twenty-three has come to your attention?
Hrrm.. nothing’s really come up as regards twenty-three in quite a while. Well, nothing notable, anyway..
However, I can tell you that back when I doing my tour of duty as a specimen processor back in the late 90s, there was a certain test that we’d run, and it involved pouring off serum into a 4in tube, placing them into centrifuges, and spinning the living hell out of them for three minutes. Now, when you began working in the lab, you actually started out going round from cubicle to cubicle, collecting ready-to-be-tested tubes, and each tube had a numbered label for a different test. Before I was trained to process the specimens, I would collect all of those 4in tubes, which had the test number of 46. Collecting any of the tubes was boring in and of itself, as most of them had to go to different departments or whatever, but the tests for 46s was dead easy – gather, centrifuge, repeat. One day, something else had occurred to me: what’s half of 46? Dun dun DUUUUNN!!

4. Use the following four words in a paragraph, which makes any-kind of Davecat sense: conciliate, platitude, ribald, and picayune.
‘Attempting to talk his way out of a possible fight by using excessive charm, Roland’s ribald platitudes did quite a lot to conciliate the dockworker. Then, he bought him a copy of the Times Picayune.’
I’ve never actually used the word ‘picayune’ in my life before! Except in the context of the aforementioned newspaper. *looks up ‘picayune’* Ohhh!

5. (No matter how improbable) You are permitted to have the return of one inanimate item, which you owned previously, but you’ve since lost, sold, or given away. What is it? What does it’s loss mean to you? What would it’s return mean to you?
My youthful idealism. No, I’d have to say my ARP Axxe. It was the first analogue keyboard I bought, and in retrospect, I don’t think I appreciated it as much as I should’ve. Back then, I really wanted a Moog, but couldn’t find one, so I ‘settled’ for the Axxe. I got plenty of use out of it, mind, but as soon as I found a reasonably-priced Moog Rogue, I traded my Axxe for it. I love my Rogue cos of its deep mid and bass tones, but the appealing thing about the Axxe is that it had utterly screaming high-end, and if I had both of them, I think they’d work really well together.
I had one of the older versions as well, with the gold lettering and the wood cheeks. Sigh..

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Now then, it’s your turn. Who wants me to interview them? You? Perhaps you, in the back? Or you — not you with the mullet, sit down — no, you over there with the duck hat; you want some questions, squire?
Just so you know, this all works better if you have a blog, otherwise I’ll have no idea what I should be asking you

The Official Interview Game Rules

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions — each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Hit me squarely! Don’t be afraid

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I’d like to think that Uncle Crowley would be proud

typed for your pleasure on 19 May 2005, at 1.51 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Groovy spacy ’70’ by Christine 23 onna

Well, this is certainly interesting. (nicked from Brian)

You scored as Hedonism. Your life is guided by the principles of Hedonism:
You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest, good; and you
try to enjoy life’s pleasures as much as you can.

“Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”

More info at Arocoun’s Wikipedia User Page…



Strong Egoism


Justice (Fairness)












Divine Command


What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with

I’m not as much of a Nihilist as I thought I was! I don’t know whether I should be proud or ashamed.

Upon reflection, I think the hedonism charge sticks. When I think of a typical hedonist, I think key parties, swingers, and enough recreational drugs to choke a horse, and I’m thinking, well, that can’t apply to me, as I neither drink nor do drugs, and I barely smoke. But then, I considered what I was discussing with a mate semi-recently: I find it shameful that, as human beings in the 21st Century, we are still governed by societal conditions where we have to work in order to live. No work = no money, no money = no food. We have the (burgeoning) technological means necessary to eliminate a lot of unskilled jobs through mechanical methods, namely through the use of robots and other automata. Of course, the question that usually follows that statement would be ‘So what are unskilled labourers supposed to do for money, then?’ Simple. Retun to school, and take courses for an actual career, instead of a mere job.
I look at it this way, cashiers, service station attendants, fast food workers, etc — people don’t normally aspire towards jobs of this nature, and to be honest, most people in these positions are crap at their jobs anyway. For example, if we had automated fast food places that were to accurately record your order and swiftly assemble it using a series of conveyor belts, dispensers and robotic arms, that would guarantee customer satisfaction. Wouldn’t you rather receive your made-to-order food package from a charming and personable Synthetik similar to Actroid-chan, rather than dealing with some pimply-faced teen who’s desperately trying to apologise for the fact that you ended up with a Big Mac in your bag, when you’re actually at Burger King?
Plus, a whole new job market just opened up right there — someone has to know how to maintain the Synthetik and the food assembly machinery, as well as restocking, changing the drink syrups, refilling the napkins, etc. I wouldn’t want to eliminate all jobs, just a lot of the shittier ones..

Ultimately, I believe that humans shouldn’t be spending 60% of our lives working, but instead, we should be enjoying ourselves through intellectual pursuits or other means, as long as our pursuits of happiness don’t cause harm to others. ‘If it harm none, do as thou wilt’ is the operative phrase here. Humans should be spending their time, money, and energy on living, not working. I mean, even if you choose to spend your free hours masturbating to the Weather Channel, then as long as you’re not harming anyone, and you’re at home with the blinds drawn, then wank for great justice, my friend!
And think of it this way, if you were able to spend less time at a dodgy job you aren’t enjoying, you could be spending more time developing your hobbies into things that could make money for you, which is guaranteed to make you happier. Some people enjoy cooking. Some people enjoy writing. Some people enjoy creating artwork, while others enjoy squirrels. If you’re having fun while working, it’s not really work..
So yeah, wow. A hedonist. Never really thought of myself in that context, but it doesn’t seem really ill-fitting.

In case you’re wondering, yes; I spent all day yesterday listening to my Joy division box set

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fillum meeum

typed for your pleasure on 10 May 2005, at 3.46 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Standing stone’ by Flying saucer attack

1. Total number of films I own on DVD or video:
117 DVDs (including various boxsets), plus 40+ videotapes of stuff that I’m waiting to come out on DVD, or needs to be burned to a DVD cos no studio will ever pick them up

2. Last film I bought:
‘Innocence: Ghost in the shell 2’. I thought the first one was merely okay, but not only does the second one look better, as well as remind me of the best/weirdest parts of Mamoru Oshii’s ‘Urusei yatsura 2: Beautiful dreamer’, but ‘Innocence’ contains many references that heavily appeal to the iDollator in me

3. Last film I watched:
‘The filth and the fury’, Julien Temple’s excellent documentary on the Sex pistols

4. Five films that I watch a lot or mean a lot to me:
+ ‘Wings of Honneamise’ wasn’t the first anime film I saw, but it really solidified, now and forever, how very cool that medium is
+ I’ve loved every single thing about ‘A clockwork orange’, from the time I first viewed it back in eighth grade, all the way up to today
+ The stylistic direction and overly-sarcastic dialogue of ‘Trainspotting’ always makes for a grim laugh
+ ‘The breakfast club’. Two words: Ally Sheedy
+ And I’d watch my copy of ‘if…’ more often, but it’s not yet out on DVD, and I’m afraid that tape’s gonna snap one day

5. To which five people am I passing the baton?
None! Apparently no-one likes it when I pass memes on to other people. If you want it, you can steal it, like I did

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FYI / ‘Popcorn!’ / Dynamic + Maximum + Stamp + Action = Dymaxtampion!?

typed for your pleasure on 3 May 2005, at 2.40 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Make red’ by NON

Just added a, err, thingy, to the lefthand sidebar, which helpfully indicates if I have something up for auction over on eBaaah. Start from the top and scroll down, you really can’t miss it. 😉

Obvious result? If you know me, then yeah.

Which John Cusack Are You?

Also, I have to apologise that Paula Oliveira’s Staring Contest still seems to be down. Maybe she got wind of our mockery, and she cried and cried until her eyeballs, which were already loosely seated in their sockets due to insufficient lid closure, floated right out of her head and rolled away. Which wouldn’t really explain why the site is down, but still.

And that thing I wanted to mention last time? When I was mailing things at the post office last week, I had to get a stamp cos the vending machine in the lobby was out of individual stamps, like they always are, and the postal fellow sold me a Buckminster Fuller stamp! Bucky Fuller on a stamp? Fab! Who’s next, Raymond Loewy? Charles Eames? That’d be impressive

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typed for your pleasure on 6 April 2005, at 1.53 am

Sdtrk: ‘Mother Nature’s rump’ by dj BC presents the Beastles

Blame Monti for this mania. 🙂 I’m letting you know right now; my answers are going to be really unimpressive, cos most of the books I own are either reference/non-fiction, art books, or graphic novels. Hrrm.

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
The Bible. No-one burns bibles! Plus, the Irony Factor would go off the scale

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
I always thought Mina Harker was a bit of nice. Rowr.

The last book you bought is:
World soccer yearbook 2002 – 2003

The last book you read:
Party of one: A loner’s manifesto, by Anneli Rufus. It’s a fine book, highly recommened for those of us who don’t want to be surrounded by our so-called ‘peers’ 24/7. I’d say it’s also recommended reading for people who think ‘loner = sociopath’, but the kind of individuals who think that would never read such a book

What are you currently reading?
Jeff lent me his copy of The Discontinuity guide, by Paul Cornell, Martin Day and Keith Topping. It attempts to string together some sort of continuity to the majority of episodes in Doctor Who, as well as pointing out gaffes, flubbed lines, and heh, fashion mistakes. It’s especially ace, cos it brings back memories of episodes and aspects of the show that I haven’t seen in years (‘Holy crap, I had forgotten all about the Ice Warriors and the Draconians’)

Five books you would take to a desert island.
The Works of Wilde, the Complete stories of Lewis Carroll, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, Catcher in the rye, and Sex life of the foot and shoe

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Veach, cos I hear tell he likes the reading; Patrick, cos he should read more to unwind after assembling food; and Tomas, cos he really needs to do something constructive with his time

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typed for your pleasure on 5 April 2005, at 12.55 am

Sdtrk: ‘Me and my ding dong’ by Pankow

Good going, Blogger. Down for almost an entire day. Refuckingmarkable.

Anyway, here’s this thing:

My Mormon name is Darvell Friends Forsaken !
What’s yours?

Shi-chan’s is worse, if you can believe that. Hers is Andoorie Traudi Treasure Cocaine. *confused stare*
Thanx Veach, for Mormonising us! Now we must eschew all sinful things such as technology. Goody Andoorie will proceed to churn some butter, and I shall go raise a barn

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Every week-end is like a little film festival / NONE CAN DEFEAT ME

typed for your pleasure on 21 March 2005, at 4.33 am

Sdtrk: ‘Bossa nova supernova’ by Harmonic 33

As I’d mentioned, this past Friday, my mates and I caught ‘Steamboy’ on the big screen. I don’t know if it was worth almost a ten-year wait, and there were a couple of similarities between it and ‘Giant robo’ (mad scientist overzealous inventor creates the Shizuma drive the Steam Ball, an unlimited fuel source that several parties want for themselves; also, Ray Steam’s granddad bore more than a passing resemblance to Franken von Folger), but we all agreed that it was pretty ace. I’ll give you this — it was indeed an ‘orgy of destruction’, as some review wag typed. Remember what happened to Neo-Tokyo towards the end of ‘Akira’? Well, ‘Steamboy’ gets rather close to that… *sigh* Gotta add that to my list of DVDs now…
Also, before we headed our separate ways after the film, Tim mentioned that he got four tickets to go see Bloc party, so I guess I’ll be at that show. I’ll be sure to wear comfortable shoes this time…

On Saturday eve, Derek, Tomas & I convened at Jeff’s abode, and watched ‘The Incredibles’ (which was better than I expected it to be) and the second ‘Lady Snowblood’ film. That Meiko Kaji’s a hottie, even when she’s drenched in the blood of her enemies. She’s got moxie!

Sunday I had full intention of taking a brand-new portrait of myself with Shi-chan, but the zit on the bridge of my nose prevented me from doing so. Gah. Hopefully later this week..

And there’s this thing.

is a Giant Robot that fires Rockets, has Enormous Tusks, is Poisonous, and Tunnels Underground.

Strength: 10 Agility: 4 Intelligence: 8

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Davecat, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Davecat using

‘”Poisonous”? But who would attempt to eat a robot?’ you ask. ‘And a giant one at that?’ No matter! Fight me, damnit! FIGHT ME!!

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