Problem solved!?

typed for your pleasure on 9 May 2006, at 5.25 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Defenestration’ by NON

Now, if you’ll all have a glance at the lefthand sidebar, down below the ‘Previous blab’ and above the ‘This was the Future’ archive drop-down menu, you’ll note a stunning new menu. The ‘Doll / Synthetik / iDollator news’ drop-down menu allows swift and unfettered access to all* of the posts I’ve made concerning RealDolls, A.I.Dolls, Actroid-chan, etc etc. This would be another one for the ‘Why the hell did it take me so long to do this??’ file, obviously.
Truth be told, it’s a short-term solution. When I get round to making The Big Jump To WordPress, that sort of post categorisation will be a snap, but for now, I kinda wanted a quicker way to get to those sorts of posts. So my OCD tendencies are your gain! Or, ah, something

‘My, he sure does go on and on about that Actroid girl’

*’all’, meaning ‘most’. I’m sure there’s a post or two that I’ve overlooked. I’ll get round to a more intensive search eventually

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

Any Synthetiks-related news, Davecat? (Mar 09) on March 13th, 2009

Art imitating life imitating art on April 6th, 2008

Any Synthetiks-related news, Davecat? (May 06)

typed for your pleasure on 4 May 2006, at 3.08 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Paul cries’ by Think about life

I know, I know, I’m early. I’ll tell you, I was originally going to wait until the 17th of this month to start posting again, but I got bored. Doesn’t that sound crazy?
But the other reason was that I found a couple of things rather relevant to my interests, such as EveR-1, Korea’s answer to Actroid-chan:

EveR-1, a combination of Eve and robot, looks just like a Korean female in her early 20s including her shape that is benchmarked against the nation’s model. [..]“For now, EveR-1 can be employed as a guide robot at museums and department stores or as an educational model to read books to children,” Baeg said.

“But we are looking further ahead _ we are working on upgrading the android with the aim of making it move its legs by the end of this year. It will be able to sit down and stand up by then,” he expects.
the complete article is here

EveR-1 — apparently pronounced like ‘Beaver One’ — is looking rather tasty. And they’re planning on making her legs move as well? Naturally, my question is — how sexy will her feet look? Naturally, I’m on the lookout for additional pics and videos, so keep an eye peeled (sounds painful).
And y’know, if I see someone write ‘silicon’ for ‘silicone’ or vice versa, I’m gonna spit. Silicone with an E is squishy (think boobs); silicon without the E is hard (think circuit boards). Honestly, people — pay attention.

Also, the May 2006 issue of Scientific American sports a new article concerning Actroid-chan. You heard it here first! Well, second. Well, you heard about the article here first. Stop arguing with me, and read the bloody thing.

One key strategy in Ishiguro’s approach is to model robots on real people. He began research four years ago with his then four-year-old daughter, casting a rudimentary android from her body, but its few actuator mechanisms resulted in jerky, unnatural motion. With Tokyo-based robotics maker Kokoro Company, Ishiguro built Repliee also by “copying” a real person–NHK TV newscaster Ayako Fujii–with shape-memory silicone rubber and plaster molds. Polyurethane and a five-millimeter-thick silicone skin, soft and specially colored, cover a metal skeleton. Given clothing, a wig and lipstick, it is a near mirror image of Fujii.
the rest of the article is here

See, I was completely unaware that Actroid-chan was based off an Organik lass! Well, I never.
For those of you further intrigued — which is all of you, right? — I’ve got a couple of pertinent videos uploaded on my YouTube page, one of which is Ishiguro-san himself going on at length about what he hopes to achieve with the Repliee projects.

Not too shabby, Ishiguro-san! Now get back to work. You’re up against the Koreans now, mate

Technorati tags: Actroid, Repliee, EveR-1, Gynoid, Hiroshi Ishiguro

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

Stars in their Eyes, Part II on August 5th, 2005

Buy a tiny Gynoid, watch a Doll on telly on November 13th, 2012

Yes, I am talking to you

typed for your pleasure on 17 April 2006, at 3.18 pm

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve not written too much over the past week or so. I was waiting for the throngs of uninformed gawkers streaming in from a couple of Internet forums to piss off.

I’m considering packing it in as far as doing iDollator-related shoots & interviews for a while. For one, professional shoots can’t really be done where I’m currently staying, as the interior decor isn’t really to my liking and I can’t do a tremendous amount about it, which means going out-of-doors is the only option. I don’t really like leaving the house as it is, and since people seem largely averse to the concept of lifesized Dolls, taking Shi-chan with me is obviously a big risk for the pair of us.
As far as interviews, there’s too much of a chance of misreprentation. With Elisabeth Alexandre, Elena Dorfman, and Meghan Laslocky, I lucked out big time, in the aspect that things went pretty well (apart from the whole feminazi shitstorm, of course). They were empathetic, they did their research, and overall, they were nice, supportive people. But then, much like in day-to-day existence, for every one good encounter, there’s like thirty bad ones. More like, one bad encounter that’s worth about thirty bad ones.

I had thought about registering on one or both of the boards that are having a go at me in order to leave a comment, but I figured, why bother? As cynical as I am, I still have this underlying optimism that people will be reasonable, listen, and attempt to make even the smallest effort to understand people that aren’t like themselves. Bullshit. People either say they understand and empathise with you, when they actually don’t have Clue One, or they simply don’t want to make an attempt in the first place. It’s my belief that after a person hits the age of, say, sixteen, there’s pretty much nothing anyone can do or say to change that person’s way of thinking. Furthermore, the older they get, the slimmer the chances are for them to be open to other peoples’ ways of living and conducting themselves.
So why bother? I spend enough time and energy as it is on so-called worthwhile pursuits; what would be the point in me airing my views on their forums? Hell, I’m only one of the people they’re talking about!

One of the more level-headed people on one of the aforementioned forums concerned with my lack of romantic conformity had said, ‘Feel free to pile on the lonliest self-delusional nerds on the planet though. They’re used to it and I’m sure only reinforces their need for a doll.’
Apart from the first sentence, I could not agree more. I’ve always said that one of the most attractive features of a Doll is that they don’t judge.

Between the past couple of weeks at my dodgy job, this recent parade of self-righteous cakefuckers, and just a general lack of drive to write about anything, Doll-related or otherwise, I’m taking a break. Those who wish to contact me already know how to do so.

See you in a month

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

Grammatik macht Frei on September 14th, 2006

Annoyed beyond reason and politeness on October 27th, 2005

An idea whose time has come

typed for your pleasure on 10 April 2006, at 8.02 pm

Sdtrk: the main theme from ‘Get Carter’ by Roy Budd

Y’know how the first podcast series of The Ricky Gervais Show had ‘Monkey News’ as a regular feature? Well, lately, ‘Shouting etc etc’ has turned into ‘Synthetiks News’. I mean, moreso than usual.

Soon he’ll be in two places at once
February 1, 2006

Students of Hiroshi Ishiguro will struggle to tell their teacher from his robotic doppelganger, writes Deborah Smith.

TRAVELLING long distances to meetings and conferences will soon be a thing of the past for Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, the creator of the world’s most human-like robot – a female named Repliee Q2. Ishiguro, of Osaka University, is close to finishing an even more advanced robot – a male, this time – that will be a physical replica of himself.

“I will not need to come here again,” he told a conference in Sydney earlier this week. “I will send my android instead.”

The busy Japanese scientist expects his $500,000 lookalike will prove most valuable for avoiding the regular trips to see his research students at the ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories in Kyoto, an hour’s drive away from his Osaka office.

Its lifelike presence will keep his researchers on their toes during teleconferences, he hopes. “If they feel my authority with my android there, it will be good,” he told the Herald.

Hollywood’s robotic creations usually have hard, metallic shells. But people prefer human-like machines with soft skin, Ishiguro says. “They don’t like to spend time with a robot-like robot.”
the rest of the article is here

This is exactly the sort of thing Andy Warhol was attempting to do. Even back during the Sixties, long before the concept of an Android double had crossed his mind, he had Factory hanger-on Alan Midgette do the lecture circuit thing dressed as Andy — black rollneck jumper, some talc liberally sprinkled in his hair, black shades, the lot. But this is even better. We have the technology.

So will the Android Ishiguro-san be allowed to eventually head new robotics projects? That would be very… meta. But entirely appropriate!

Technorati tags: Actroid, Repliee, Gynoid, Andy Warhol

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

die RealePuppe on November 7th, 2005

Ishiguro-san is everywhere. EVERYWHERE on July 20th, 2006

(place informal greeting in Suomi here)

typed for your pleasure on 7 April 2006, at 2.45 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Un br Che’ by Merzbow

Checking the stats for ‘Shouting etc etc’, I see that the issue of Image has indeed hit the (Finnish) stands! It’s the issue with Alex Kapranos and Kelly Osbourne, or whoever the hell they are, on the cover.

Alex and Kelly went cosplaying as Jack and Meg White this year

Also, suzi9mm’s post helped quite a bit, too. 🙂
Sidore-chan and I say a hearty ‘Hallo!’ to everyone dropping in from the aforementioned places. Enjoy your stay, leave a comment, try the fondue, etc etc

UPDATE (5.50 pm): Just received my copy through the post!
I, err, can’t read a word of it! But it looks ace

Technorati tags: Davecat, Sidore, RealDoll, ,

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

Any Synthetiks-related news, Davecat? (Jun 2007) on June 10th, 2007

Any Synthetiks-related news, Davecat? (Jan 2015) on January 25th, 2015

Robot South Korea*

typed for your pleasure on 4 April 2006, at 2.35 pm

Sdtrk: ‘A bargain at twice the price’ by Vitesse

I have to agree with Ryan here — South Korea’s lookin’ rather good right about now. Well, in a couple of years, anyway.

In a Wired South Korea, Robots Will Feel Right at Home
Published: April 2, 2006

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea, the world’s most wired country, is rushing to turn what sounds like science fiction into everyday life. The government, which succeeded in getting broadband Internet into 72 percent of all households in the last half decade, has marshaled an army of scientists and business leaders to make robots full members of society.

By 2007, networked robots that, say, relay messages to parents, teach children English and sing and dance for them when they are bored, are scheduled to enter mass production. Outside the home, they are expected to guide customers at post offices or patrol public areas, searching for intruders and transmitting images to monitoring centers.

If all goes according to plan, robots will be in every South Korean household between 2015 and 2020. That is the prediction, at least, of the Ministry of Information and Communication, which has grouped more than 30 companies, as well as 1,000 scientists from universities and research institutes, under its wing. Some want to move even faster.

“My personal goal is to put a robot in every home by 2010,” said Oh Sang Rok, manager of the ministry’s intelligent service robot project.

(the rest of the article is here. Since the article’s on the money-grubbing New York Times, you’ll have to log in to see the whole article; in which case, you can either use my login — hope_u_like_it, password 123456 — or get round to and use another one)

It’s almost as if South Korea has said, ‘You know, the simple fact that North Korea’s government even exists is spewing poison into the very earth’s atmosphere, and by doing what we’re doing, we’re trying to put Right what they’re putting Wrong.’
Good job, South Korea, and keep it up! If we can’t have Actroids immediately, we’ll settle for Android SAYA

*I was originally going to title this one ‘Robot Seoul’, after the Add N to (X) track ‘Robot New York’, but no-one would get it, and instead believe that I was just making a horrible pun

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Actroid's ancestors on October 1st, 2005

Cherry 2010? on October 8th, 2005

Any Synthetiks-related news, Davecat? (Apr 2006)

typed for your pleasure on 1 April 2006, at 10.39 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Psychedelic underground’ by Nurse with wound

Mostly print-related, but yes, there is news!.. Anu of Image Emailed me today, stating that the issue with the story will see print next week, so for those of you who live, or can otherwise just bicycle over to Finland, go grab a copy. He says that he’ll send a translated version rather soon, as my knowledge of Suomi is shockingly limited.
I’m debating whether or not I should sit on it and post it on Sidore-chan’s site when it’s back up, or to post it here.. hrmm..

Also, there’s apparently an article about an iDollator colleague in the latest Sacramento News and Review, which can be found right here. Quite ace!
In that vein, I really need to be more up on reporting about Synthetik-related articles that have to do with people who aren’t myself or the Missus. Like, did you see the one related to fellow sexy iDollator Wanda? It’s appeared in an English publication called Metro UK, and the online version would be here. My personal opinion? It’s a bit judgemental, but my friend Wanda is in print, so there’s some good that’s come of it..

And there’s a new Synthetik-related manga available in English — well, it’s a manhwa, actually, as it’s by a Korean bloke named Youjung Lee. ‘0/6‘ is the title, and it’s published by Netcomics. So far, nothing can top Mitsukazu Mihara’s ‘DOLL‘ series as far as Synthetik-related manga for me, but I’m finding ‘0/6’ to be only okay; the art is passable, the story seems to be off to a slow start, the main character is a bit of a nebbish, and the Gynoid seems to be a wee bit overpowered, but I’m hoping that the story begins ramping up soon, as indicated by events in the last couple of pages in the first volume. We shall see!

Err, and that’s the lot for now! Have an obligatory picture of Actroid DER-chan for your trouble

Awww, somebody wants a hug!

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