I’ve done too much hand-coding for my liking today

typed for your pleasure on 24 January 2005, at 10.27 pm

For those of you into that sort of thing, ‘Kitten with a Whip!‘ will be updated tomorrow (25 Jan). Which, technically, will be in a couple of hours. Unless you’re in Japan; in which case we’re late. Gomen nasai!

We would’ve updated on the 23rd, as per ‘usual’, but being a mercenary and routing the ever-present threat of North Korea whilst making a bit of change on the side isn’t all rootbeer & skittles, y’know

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Why would we even leave the apartment? on October 10th, 2009

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mein letzter Freitag / Another Space-age Bachelor Pad

typed for your pleasure on 20 January 2005, at 3.13 am

This Friday past, I finally watched the last two episodes of Zeta Gundam. Damn, that show is fucking fantastic and grim, all at the same time. It’s beautiful.
Now, I’m the kind of bloke who has been happier with the anime industry standard that was more or less established during the mid-90s, where television series lasted for twenty-six episodes, as opposed to fifty-two, in order to drive the story along better due to there being less ‘filler’ episodes. (Also, I gather a largely significant reason for the shorter runs was due to a lot of studios not being able to afford long, drawn-out shows.) Zeta was made back in 1986, before the shorter series trend kicked in, and therefore runs 50 episodes. My worry with the series was that there were going to be a lot of throwaway epiodes that could’ve easily been omitted. I can think of maybe two off the top of my head; the rest of the series jets along at a rapid and suspenseful rate — ‘mostly killer, little filler’ if you will. And, as I’d known all these years between perusing the episode guides in Animag and actually watching the series a decade later, that yes, the ending of Zeta Gundam is even more messed up than I knew it to be. The Stark Fist of Tomino spares no-one.
Now, if you’re curious about seeing the series, but aren’t a rabid Zeta Gundam fanboy where you’d want to fork out $120+ for the box set, you can just wait a couple of years, as Bandai/Sunrise studios are doing what they did with the original Gundam series, and condensing 50 episodes into three feature-length films, with the first one premiering in March..

Also, Shi-chan & I cranked out another photo shoot! Can we be stopped??

Well, apparently yes, it turns out we can be stopped. We wrapped it up after only 80 photos, cos with both the room radiator & the lights cooking us like an EZ-Bake Oven, it was far too hot to continue. (Plus, if Shi-chan learned to move herself, that would help tremendously…) We might pick up again with the same clothes at a later date, but I still need to get the pics from the previous shoot ready for posting. Deadlines? What the hell are those??

Aaand here’s another stylishly retro-futuristic home for your approval: the famous Monsanto House of the Future, featured in Disneyland’s Tomorrowland from 1957 to 1967.

pic shamelessly stolen from Yesterland

Welcome to Monsanto Plastics Home of the Future! As you entered this experimental model home, perhaps you noticed that the house itself is constructed entirely of plastics. Despite the graceful lightweight appearance of the suspended wings of this house, each one is able to support more than 13 tons!

The floors on which you are walking, the gently sloping walls around you, and even the ceilings are made of plastics. Furnishings and equipment, as well as the house itself, are almost one-hundred percent manmade. Hardly a natural material appears in anything like its original state anywhere in the building.

*vibrates with joy*
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head to improve this modern masterpiece, would be wall-to-wall carpeting, as I don’t really like bare floors. And, err, cable jacks in every room. Those are just off the top of my head. But yes! The fecking Monsanto House! I really regret that I never got the chance to see it, and I think they should rebuild it elsewhere, for posterity’s sake. I mean, something like that is as significant to architectural history as something built in the 1700s, or anything involving a Corinthian column. And if you ask me, since 20th century Modern architecture & design combines both Form and Function, it’s much more impressive


typed for your pleasure on 10 January 2005, at 1.52 am

I only have five episodes left for Zeta Gundam. Damn, that show’s messed up. Now, I already knew that one of the distinguishing features of that show is that a lot of characters die, but I had no idea that a certain character (who shall remain nameless) buys it during a particular episode. I was actually shocked, cos I’d read the episode synopses years ago, back when anime was first getting a foothold on domestic shores, and I’d either completely forgotten that _____ died, or just overlooked it entirely. Due to my ‘reading ahead’ I have a general idea of what happens at the end, but I don’t know the particulars.. Odhinn bless you, Tomino, for being clinically depressed when directing that show. Wow.

Also, Shi-chan & I did our first photo shoot since, like, February of 2004! We’re pretty satisfied with the results.

All that crap of me going on about ‘logistics’ worked out rather well! The backdrop camouflages the more repellent parts of the room decor, and between the ceiling light and the two ‘klieg’ lights (actually two clamp-on shop lamps), there’s more than enough light. We prefer natural light, but that’s just gonna have to wait until we move. In the meantime, not bad!
Don’t hold me to it, but I’m hoping to have them posted to ‘Kitten with a Whip!’ in the next week or so. I’ve got to sort thru 130 photos, which means I have to select thirty. Hrrm. But it was definitely fun getting back into the photo-taking vibe. Back in the saddle! Or something?

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Pisse et vinaigre

typed for your pleasure on 15 December 2004, at 11.17 pm

A couple of days ago, I was wasting time on das InfoBahn doing vanity searches for both my name & Sidore’s name, and one of the Sidore-related links was a site called mangoat.net, that had a mini-review of ‘Kitten with a Whip!’, under the title ‘real doll creepyness (sic)’. Here’s the article in its entirety:

01/28/2004 Entry: “real doll creepyness”

Great mother of Snuh?, I think I finally found the worst site on the internet.

I.. I just don’t know what to say. Be careful clicking that at work.


Sure, sometimes bad press is better than no press at all — one of the two comments for his post read ‘Woah…she’s hot!’ — but I had to say something. Hence, fueled by a mix of ire & curiosity, I wrote goatman back..

To: Mike Kremkau (mangoat@gmail.com)
Subj: RE.your 28 Jan entry “real doll creepyness”

Hi there, Mangoat!

Davecat here, maintainer of the website ‘Kitten with a Whip!’, and boyfriend to Sidore Kuroneko, the Goth RealDoll. I was doing an MSN Search on ‘KWAW!’ and stumbled across your witty posting. Suffice to say, being called the ‘worst site on the internet’ is a bold statement. What about it did you find bad? Was it the layout? Or was it the content? You don’t really go into specifics, so I’m at a loss, here. Care to explain? We’d enjoy hearing from you..


About two days later, the erudite philosopher goatfucker sent his riposte:

To: lamia_doll [at] hotmail [dot] com
Subj: Re: RE.your 28 Jan entry “real doll creepyness”

Dude, you have a site dedicated to the life and personality of a fuckable latex sculpture of a woman. Plus, you really need to drop the tables, or at least make the borders invisible. Also, choose a better font and text color because my wife can’t read the site at all.

So I fired back with this missive that same evening:

To: mangoat@gmail.com
Subj: I guess we can’t all be as clever as Mangoat

Okay, so let me guess:
1) You don’t like fiction, or the development of fictional characters.
2) You can’t appreciate beauty, whether it’s artificial or not.
3) Sex without emotional baggage doesn’t really appeal to you.
4) The simple concept of a person spending their time to create a website around a subject that they enjoy, one which does no harm to anyone, makes you cringe.

As for your table complaints; no, I won’t be dropping those, unless you can come up with a better solution for me. And I happen to like dark colours such as black, dark blue & purple, so the colours are pretty much staying. If they’re too dark for you, I would suggest turning the brightness up on your monitor. Or just do what I do on sites that I think are too dark – highlight the text.
As far as the font for ‘KWAW!’, it should be Arial; if you’re not seeing it in that, check your browser settings. I would’ve used Futura T Light, but not everyone has that installed, and I refuse to use serif-based fonts. In short, if you don’t like ‘Kitten with a Whip!’, don’t visit it. I’m sure you can find other sites to mock.

Shi-chan & I say thanx for your input! We will give your comments the attention that they deserve.

D. & S.

And so far, I’ve not heard anything else from Goatfucker Towers. A tragedy. 😐

Ultimately, I could not physically care less if a person thinks Dolls are creepy, or if they think I’m a freak for owning one. It’s not as if I’m going to leap out of my seat and sell Shi-chan right there and then, just cos I don’t fit into some fuckwit’s concept of ‘normalcy’. Personally, I tend to think a lot of anti-Doll comments (made by males, anyway) are done so out of jealousy. And normally, I’m not a vengeful person — I may make the odd threat occasionally, but very rarely do I follow thru with them. Once in a while though, it’s extraordinarily satisfying to hit back, especially if you know you’re in the right

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Machines 1, Fleshlings 0

typed for your pleasure on 22 November 2004, at 5.28 pm

A couple of years ago, my first ex-roommate Steve & I were sitting around in the livingroom of our townhouse, discussing something or other, and somehow the subject of Androids & Gynoids came up. (With me in the room? The devil you say!) ‘Wouldn’t it be ace if you could put your brain in the body of an Android?’ I remarked. ‘You wouldn’t have to worry about getting sick, or having to eat, or getting old, or at least a dozen other things!’ Steve, in a shining moment of hyper-lucidity, replied, ‘Yeah, but I’d rather put my brain in a Gynoid’s body. Think about it.’ OMIGOD YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. I would probably never leave the house. *big pervy grin*

Yesterday my parents & I were ransacking the house for disposable items, as today is Bulk Garbage Day for our neighbourhood, and my father decided he wanted to finally get rid of the stove-converted-from-an-oil-barrel that had been sitting inactive in the basement for at least a decade. So, believing I had nothing better to do with my time, he handed me a bucket and a garden trowel, and told me to empty the ash from the stove into that, so we could haul it out. After using a larger implement, like, y’know, a fucking shovel, he decides that it’s light enough to haul it out. I had maybe left about two-thirds of the ash in there, as it was so sedentary over the years, that it had become compacted and dense. Nevertheless, out it was going. Everything was alright until we headed out the door, and that’s when I felt a rather sharp pain in my lower back. I don’t think either one of my parents had ever heard me curse to that extent, so it’s nice to know I could teach them something.
So last night, I went to bed at just before midnight, with a throbbing feeling in my back, and I called into work this morning, as Monday is our nine-hour day, and I wasn’t gonna put up with this shit while at work for nine hours. Yeah.
Now who do I grab by the lapels so I can get hooked up with a Gynoid body that resembles Alyson Hannigan? I DEMAND SATISFACTION!!

Right, back to bed wi’ me, I suppose

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Sorry, I've been out on May 10th, 2008

Machines 4, Fleshlings 0 on February 23rd, 2008

Keitai no bunka / He’s MaRi-chan’s lad

typed for your pleasure on 8 November 2004, at 4.56 am

I ran across this in a textbook recently, and thought it was pretty spot-on:

Cell phone use has far exceeded practicality. For many, it’s even a bit of an addiction, a prop – like a cigarette or a beer bottle – that you can hold up to your mouth. And each person is meeting a different psychological need by clinging to it.

As I see it, the pack breaks down something like this: Some users can’t tolerate being alone and have to register on someone, somewhere, all of the time. That walk down [the street] can be pretty lonely without a loved one shouting sweet nothings in your ear.

Others are effiency freaks and can’t bear to lose 10 minutes standing in line at Starbucks. They have to conduct business while their milk is being steamed, or they will implode. The dividing line between work and home has already become permeable with the growth of telecommuting; cell phones contribute significantly to that boundary breakdown.

Then there are those who like to believe they are so very important to the people in their personal and professional lives that they must be in constant touch. “Puffed up” is one way to describe them; “insecure” is another.

– Matthew Gilbert, “All Talk, All The Time”

Also of note is a Shiny New Link to atsushi-san & MaRi-chan’s Blog, o’er in the sidebar under ‘Colleagues & co-conspirators’. Not only is atsushi-san a fellow lover of Synthetik femmes, but he also holds Joy division in high regard. Good taste on all fronts!
Unfortunately, seeing as that he’s from Japan, his Blog’s almost entirely in Japanese. Ah well. It’s got some interesting links every so often, though, so give it a look

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Any Doll-related news, Davecat? (Nov 04)

typed for your pleasure on 4 November 2004, at 11.22 pm

Well, yes! Kinda. I’m currently grilling Uli & Jeff of Delphi creations as to their Superdoll product, as I’m rather intrigued, and so far, I like what I hear.. Still waiting for part three of my interview with the illustrious Meghan Laslocky. And.. that’s about it, really.

Shi-chan is doing quite well for herself; these days, she spends like 99.9% of her time in bed. Due to our living situation, she’s currently in semi-retirement from being the RealGoth pin-up model that she usually is — I’m trying to come up with a logistical way to take photos in our bedroom, but the surroundings are too bleh for my tastes, but I’m giving it some thought. We’re stuck here for at least three years until we move *grits teeth* but, despite the bedroom decor, I’d like to get some shoots in. I might take the approach of what some of the Japanese doll owners do, or those with similarly limited space, and just restrict the photographs to a ‘staging area’, much in the same way that t-dash-san & Yuka-chan, or atsushi-san & MaRi-chan, work. It’s really about doing a lot with a little, as it were. Besides, people aren’t looking at my pics to check out the background — or so I would hope…

Finally, back in September, Elisabeth, our friend & interviewer from France, met up with Valérie Guignabodet, the director of ‘Monique‘, the satirically romantic RealDoll comedy. (Yes; niche market, I know, but consider what site you’re reading.) A couple of weeks beforehand, Eli told me she would be meeting up with Mme. Guignabodet, so I mailed her the sleeve insert of my DVD copy of ‘Monique’ to pass along to be autographed. And she did.

Needless to say, we’re quite proud!

O, and I still have yet to watch my copy of ‘Love object‘.
Hmm.. am I really in such a hurry to view that one? (cue image of a needlessly jealous Shi-chan coming at me with a Liston knife)

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