And rightly deserved!
typed for your pleasure on 29 January 2006, at 2.27 pmSdtrk: ‘Farmer’s angle’ by Belbury Poly
A giant Family-sized Congratulations goes out to Montilee, aka Penda, as one of her works is finally being published! Her story ‘I Do It Because I Love You’, will be appearing in the first Hopper Comics anthology, Bound, and should be available for sale in the next week or two.
My only hope is that a decade from now, when I finally manage to catch up with her on the set of whatever creepy thriller she’ll be helming at the time, that she’ll remember who I am, even after the security guards have hauled me bodily off the premises.
Congratulations, babe! As for the rest of you, go buy some copies! One or two to read, and a couple that’ll be bagged and boarded, to go into storage
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January 30th, 2006 at 5.48 pm
Hooray for Penda!
February 6th, 2006 at 5.36 pm
Getting to this late, but wot’s new, eh? 😉
Congratulations Penda! I hope this is only the start of a career that will bring you much happiness / reward / satisfaction, in whatever order you wish 😀
Keep on keepin’ on!
PBS & Lily