Be a Good Consumer

typed for your pleasure on 14 January 2007, at 11.13 pm

Sdtrk: ‘memory one’ by The caretaker

The only fab thing about being employed again? The money. Or, as Winnie the Pooh might have it, the munny.

Over the course of the past three days, I’ve purchased
+ an airsoft MP40, courtesy of the Bay of e, so I can pretend I’m with the Wehrmacht. With the exception of the highly-coveted P90, my airsoft collection is complete

+ volume 2 of Ultraman, in conjunction with a $10 BestBuy giftcard that I received on Christmas. Initially my plan was to either buy the Prisoner thinpack, or the ‘Doctor Who: The beginning’ box set, but I forgot I was at BestBuy. ‘If it’s not brand new, or a hot item popular with the masses, we ain’t got it.’ Fuckers. O well, I wasn’t even really looking for Ultraman v2, so it all worked out

+ Borders had Emailed me, saying I had until 31 Jan to use up my Holiday rewards savings (a grand total of $7.63), so I hit the location near my work and grabbed volume 2 of Monster, and an Audrey Hepburn calendar for 2007. Not my ideal choice for a calendar, but 1) they were 50% off, and 2) that was the best they had left out of their remaining selection. Thankfully, I’ve always found Audrey hot, so it’s okay. But at the register, I was informed that I’d need a hardcopy of that Email I got, in order to use my savings, as they start tallying savings for 2007 after 01 Jan. Ergh. So I guess I’ll be using my $7.63 to buy Monster v3

+ Also within the same quarter mile as BestBuy and Borders was a GameStop, where I used some trade-in credit dating back to 2005 to get $20 off Samurai warriors 2 finally. The trade-in receipts were yellow and fading, much to the register biscuit’s astonishment. ‘Dude… were these printed on the Declaration of Independence?’ he’d asked. I chuckled

+ My hex key set that I’d ordered through the corporate gift catalogues issued to us at work arrived through the post! From now on, if I ever have a hex placed upon me, I can unlock it with no trouble whatsoever

+ Finally, be witness unto my New Cellphone.

No idea why the pic is blurry — more than likely, it’s due to Shi-chan’s complete inability to hold still — but yes, those are gaily-decorated human skulls as my wallpaper. (If you’re fully intrigued, you can download a copy for yourself from here.) But it’s a Treo Smartphone by Palm, which means that unlike my old Kyocera 7135, it’s smaller, lighter, has a faster processor, a built-in QWERTY keyboard, a 1.3 MP camera, a camcorder, and won’t crash like three times a week. Summation: it is a sexay machine.

So yeah! Stuff Week, or as the Germans might have it, Stüfwoch. O wait — now what the hell is this??

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4 have spoken to “Be a Good Consumer”

  1. SafeTInspector writes:

    An ACTUAL gun or a replica?
    I like to imagine you got the version that goes off and kills Germans by accident. Ach! Mein Leiben!

  2. Davecat writes:

    No no no no no, it’s an airsoft, as I’d said. I like my guns the same way I like my lasses — replicas. 🙂
    Besides, real guns are hideously expensive, and you can’t fire them indoors. Well, you’re not supposed to. Holes in the plaster and all that.

    And why would I want to kill Germans? Heidi Klum is German.

  3. Camilla writes:

    nice stuff you got, except your intention to buy Doctor Who: the beginning box set.
    I could watch it, when i’m sick – stuck in bed, to pass my time, my bbc time, but i wouldn’t purchase it. 😛

  4. Davecat writes:

    I made a promise of sorts to myself that I would buy at least one DVD of every Doctor.

    + Hartnell: the Doctor Who: the Beginning set
    + Troughton: The Invasion
    + Pertwee: still assessing Pertwee. I actually haven’t seen more than like two episodes of his…
    + Tom Baker: err, Meglos? The Sun makers? There’s too many to choose from
    + Davison: gotta reassess him as well, as I haven’t seen any of his in a little over a decade, and I’d found him a bit boring
    + Colin Baker: probably Revelation of the Daleks
    + McCoy: Remembrance of the Daleks
    + McGann: I refuse to buy that movie
    + Eccleston: The empty child / The Doctor dances
    + Tennant: the Doctor Who: the Second series box set

    You realise with DVDs, every time is BBC time. 🙂

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